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What is an Occupational Therapist?

An Occupational Therapist focuses on helping people become as independent and functional as possible when going about their daily life, social life and work or school.

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Getting help is the beginning of the journey

OT for Children and Adolescents

OT’s often work in the school setting to enhance the child’s functionality within this environment, which include play, social skills and education.

During early stages of development some children struggle with some vital components of development.

Sensory integration disorders (SI) can be described as the way a child organizes and responds to sensations from their own body and the environment around them.

Gross motor skills are a vital area addressed during the therapy process:

  • muscle tone and strength
  • balance
  • co-ordination


Don’t know where to turn? Not sure which professional?

Children who present with gross motor difficulties often present with fine motor difficulties as well.

Fine motor skills include problems with:

  • handwriting and pencil grip problems,
  • motor control and dexterity,
  • fine motor co-ordination,
  • cutting and colouring.

Visual perception issues such as:

  • visual motor integration,
  • visual closure and
  • visual figure ground.

All of which are vital in the schooling process.

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We have an experienced team of professionals available to help moms, dads, kids, adults, teens, couples

How do I know if my child needs Occupational Therapy?

Your child may need OT if they struggle with any of these activities:

  • Difficulty during gross motor tasks- skipping, hopping, jumping
  • Presses hard when writing
  • Writes very slowly or very quickly therefore impacting on neatness
  • Writing speed is too slow impacting on test performance
  • Attention or concentration deficits affecting work
  • Sensory seeking child or avoids all tactile input
  • Colouring or cutting deficits
  • Self-esteem and anxiety concerns related to school performance

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What help options are available?

Tomatis® Therapy at Our Centre in Sandton

The Tomatis® sound / listening programme uses music and language to train the brain.

Tomatis® treatment assists with:

  • Learning difficulties
  • Attention difficulties, such as ADD
  • Stress disorders and anxiety
  • Cortical awakening
  • Language difficulties
  • Sensory-motor difficulties (balance, coordination, muscle tone, praxis)
  • Auditory Processing disorders

Through neurosensory stimulation training, motor, emotional and cognitive abilities can be improved.

Our OT is qualified and certified at Level 3 to use the TalksUp® Programme and the Tomatis® method. View certificate here


Don’t know where to turn? Not sure which professional?

What people say about us

I just wanted to thank you again for the wonderful work that you've done over the past year. We're so happy that he has come out of his shell and is now interacting so well with familiar and unfamiliar people.
I must admit, I first came to the centre reluctantly, and was not very enthusiastic about starting therapy. Now…. I look forward to my regular sessions. I absolutely LOVE my “pre – therapy” coffee and catch-ups with the Practice manager, who is the life and soul of the centre.
As a parent it has been such a good experience dealing with a team who are so warm and caring, and yet very professional!! My child’s attitude to coming to the centre speaks for itself.
Had an incredible experience at this practice. The psychologist was authentic, efficient and the help I received was life changing. I would not hesitate at recommending this centre. Everything you could need and more!